Saturday, May 8, 2010

Juice Box Dolls by Kaboose

What you'll need:

  • Empty rectangular juice box container
  • Construction paper in your favorite colors
  • Yarn
  • 2 large wiggle eyes (for each doll)
  • Felt scraps (for pigtail ties)
  • Black marker
  • Glue stick
  • Clear tape
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors

How to make it:

  1. Starting at the straw opening, carefully cut open the top of the juice box, but do not cut off the top.
  2. Wash out the juice box and let it dry completely before moving on to the next step.
  3. Cover the juice box container with construction paper using a glue stick. (See image.) Try wrapping the box as if you were wrapping a birthday present! (See image.) Tape both ends of the box if the glue stick will not hold.
  4. Cut strips from construction paper for arms and legs, about 10” long for legs and 6” long for arms.
  5. Fold strips accordion style then use glue stick to attach the arms to the sides of the container and legs to the bottom of the container.
  6. Cut squares from black construction paper to make shoes and glue to the end of the legs.
  7. Use white craft glue to attach the wiggle eyes to the front of the container.
  8. For the girl dolls, cut yarn into 6” lengths. Put white glue all over the top of the container and center the strands across it.
  9. Use small strips of scrap felt to gently tie (felt rips easily, be careful) sides of hair into pigtails. Trim ends of yarn so that they are even.
  10. Cut ½” lengths of yarn for girl’s bangs and glue in place.
  11. For the boy doll, cut yarn into short pieces about ¾” long. Put glue on the top of the container and add pieces to the glue, covering the container top.
  12. Draw smiles on with black marker.

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