Saturday, May 8, 2010

Egg Cup Insects by Kaboose

What you'll need:

  • Cardboard egg carton
  • Scissors
  • Paint: colors of your choice
  • Chenille stems: colors of your choice
  • Craft knife, small scissor, or sharp pencil
  • White craft glue
  • Medium and large pom-poms
  • Wiggle eyes

How to make it:

  1. Have an adult cut egg cups out of egg carton and trim clean. Paint in various colors of your choice and let dry. (See photo.)
  2. While egg cups are drying, create insect wings by cutting and bending chenille stems into various different shapes. (See photo.)
  3. Have an adult use a small scissor, sharp pencil, or craft knife to poke a hole in each side of the egg cup, insert wings into the holes. If you want the wings farther back on the body, poke the holes closer together. (See photo.)
  4. Turn egg cup upside down and bend ends of chenille stems against the side of the cup to help hold them in place. (See photo.)
  5. Using two large pom-poms for heads or one medium pom-pom for bulging eyes, glue them to the fronts of the egg cups. (See photo.)
  6. Use skinny chenille stems for legs and antennae. Antennae can be glued right to the pom-pom head. Legs can be inserted in the sides of the egg cup in the same fashion as the wings.
  7. Glue on wiggle eyes on the pom-poms to complete the face.

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